January 26, 2015

Moringa Oleifera has 9 times the iron in Spinach

Moringa Powder has 9 times the iron that of spinach. You will get all the iron you need from Moringa Oleifera. Three ounces (about 100g) contain 7 mg of iron, while the leaf powder has 28mg. One of the richest iron sources, roast beef, has only 2 mg iron proportionally per three ounces. Get your Iron source from Moringa Powder.

Iron deficiencies may cause severe tiredeness, body weakness, and other related health ailments Whenever you are lacking iron you cannot perform your normal functions in an effective way. In addition, women and children need more iron than males, and anemia strikes them particularly hard.  Severe iron deficiency may cause progressive skin ailments that cause brittleness of nails and extra smoothness in the tongue area. The enzymatic processes that require iron and the proteins that need it as a building block or co-factor will not be able to occur, and the body metabolism can slow or even shut down. Anemia is considered the most common global nutritional deficiency.

You can fix this problem by consuming Moringa Powder on a daily basis.

Kirk Pusey
Kirk Pusey
