Tea Tree Oil -Pack of 10 Oils

Tea tree oil is one of the most extensively researched essential oils, and one of the most backed by the findings and conclusions discovered from the studies done on it. It is produced from a shrub like tree by the name of Melaleuca alternifolia, which is found along streams and in swampy areas in its native land of Australia. In the 1920’s a chemist by the name of Arthur Penfold was busy exploring the properties of native volatile oils, isolating their properties, exploring their molecular structure, and contributing to the chemical understanding of variations within plant species. Tea tree oil can help with some inflammation of the mucous membranes, which contributes to the aches of a sore throat.

Minor cuts and abrasions can benefit from the antimicrobial action of tea tree oil, which cleanses the area and wards off infection. Clean the area thoroughly with plain soap and water, and rinse any soap off, making sure there is no dirt or debris left over.

Tea tree oil, being so effective at wiping out bacteria, can be hugely helpful in preventing bad breath at the source. It’s not a cure, but it is a helpful tool to have for your care regime. Much like you’d do for a sore throat, mix a drop with a cup of warm water and swish around your mouth, through your teeth, and gargle.

Our skin is a thriving environment full of living microbes. Like the mouth, certain bacteria on the surface of the skin is necessary. On the other hand, some bacteria, such propiobacterium acnes (P. acnes)*can cause breakouts that aren’t so welcome. More so than fighting bacteria (which is only minor cause of acne) tea tree oil’s terpenes penetrate your pores, loosening up blocked oil and dirt that cause whiteheads, blackheads, and those painful red breakouts. Mix a drop or 2 with a smidge of coconut oil and use a cotton swab to apply. Avoid using your fingertips, which just introduces more dirt.

Collections: Oils

Type: Oil

Vendor: Zildek Nutrition

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